Join the Celebration of our Class Reunion! Class of 1982!
Whoever said a person is lucky if he or she makes more than two or three real friends in life never had this opportunity to stay connected with high school friends.
I cannot believe that it was almost 20 years that we all saw each other on the same school grounds. Would it not be great if we could get together once again for more fun and frolic.
Almost 20 years have passed since our secondary school days at Namagunga. Can you believe it has been that long ?? Now would be a great time for us to get together and reminisce about times gone by, and to catch up on each other's adventures since then. This letter is to gauge your interest in having a class reunion.
A few of us have spoken informally to get the ball rolling. We are in the very preliminary stages, and will need your help with making and carrying out our plans. At this point, the most important thing is to make contact with everyone. Please pass this information on to everyone with whom you speak from the Class of 1982.
If you are interested in lending a helping hand, have updated addresses or phone numbers for people, or just want to let us know that you're interested in coming, please contact any of the following:
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
And hope to see you at the Reunion!